Double Whammy

Posted 2019-01-23 21:37:48

This week’s blog is a double whammy covering all the exciting things the children have done over the past two weeks.  Last week our theme was senses and each day we focused on a different sense. Taste buds were tingled on Tuesday during the children’s cooking session when they got to use a juicing machine and taste the juice from a variety of fruit and vegetables.  Mrs Spooner had planned to throw out her machine after the juicing craze moved on, but Mrs Federici persuaded her to donate it to the nursery for the children to enjoy.

Our preschool children took part in a listening activity and had to identify a range of different everyday sounds and match them to a picture.  This is a pre-reading activity which helps children discriminate between sounds and can be done at home or when out and about.  The younger children used their sight to experiment with paint by mixing colours and discovering new ones. Show and smell on Wednesday left a range of aromas throughout the nursery, both pleasant and strange, including soap, spices and smelly socks! Friday was all about how things feel and the children had to guess a range of objects by putting their hands into a closed box and describing what they felt.

This week we were looking at the children’s interests and much of the artwork they produced focused on things they like.  In show and tell they brought a few of their favourite things including Pepper Pig, ponies and police cars.  One of Mrs Federici’s favourite things are scones topped with jam and cream.  Fortunately for the children this inspired her cooking session and they learnt the technique of rubbing margarine into flour until they resembled fine breadcrumbs to bake some scones that Mary Berry would be proud of.

On Thursday we were visited by our school photographer Brett Lenman who took portrait photos of all the children.  We were very impressed with how the children coped with the change in routine and how confident they were in sitting in front of the camera.  Order forms for these photos will be sent home in the next few weeks.

In the last six months we have had a number of incidents in the car park involving collisions.  Fortunately these did not involve children but act as a reminder for how hazardous the car park is.  Please ensure that you always hold your child’s hand when walking to and from your car and do not let them run unaccompanied across the car park.  When entering the car park please remember to drive very slowly and reverse with extreme caution.

They say you should never work with animals or children but next week we will be doing both! Pets week kicks off on Monday and we have a number of different animals visiting the children throughout the week.  Last year a child brought in Brucie the blue tongued lizard and if you have any exotic or unusual pets we would love to meet them (no tigers please).

The item for show and tell will be a toy pet.

(Apologies for the absence of last week’s blog and the lack of Facebook updates recently.  I have been spending every available moment decorating and planning for my new arrival. Normal service should resume in the next few weeks!)