Baby brain

Posted 2019-03-05 14:00:40

The nursery has been going ga-ga these past few weeks with babies on the minds of many of the children. In circle time sessions, preschool groups have looked at pregnancy scans brought in by one of the parents showing the development of a baby in the womb.  Many of the children were intrigued to see how the baby grows inside Mummy’s tummy and they asked lots of questions including how does it get food? We also used this topic to talk about the names of different baby animals and were impressed to see how many they knew. One boy taught us that a baby platypus is called a puggle!  With all the talk of babies in the nursery it was no surprise to us when we saw number of children walking around the garden with footballs under their jumpers, pretending that they were pregnant.  After a few laps around the climbing frame, the footballs popped out, and the babies were born – if only it was that easy in real life!

In Miss Natalie’s classroom session with the morning children she has been working on positional language.  Together, they have been using items to think of what it means to be in, on, under, behind, in front and next to.  Most of the children needed help with one or two of these concepts so it would be beneficial if parents incorporated this language into daily conversation to support their learning.

On Tuesday we had a flippin’ good time by celebrating Pancake day in style.  Children and staff dressed up in an assortment of fantastic costumes which set the tone for a fun filled day. Mrs Federici had prepared her best pancake mixture for the children to watch her pour into a hot pan and flip them as high as she could. They then enjoyed the tasty treats for snack covered in an assortment of different toppings. Did you see our Instagram story from Pancake Day? If not, check it out by clicking here!