Art attack

Posted 2019-01-23 21:29:13

Our hopes for an Indian Summer were washed away this week with lashings of wind and rain. Fortunately this didn’t dampen the children’s spirits and provided them with spectacular rainbows and decorated the garden with leaves, twigs and branches for them to collect in their wheelbarrows.

The preschool children set off on their first country walk of the year, visiting dragon hill, hedgehog house and the fairy woods. Many of them were excited to discover a miniature fairy door on one of the Poplar trees on the far side of the field and despite their best efforts they were unable to open it.

The children got creative this week and took part in their first painting session. The preschoolers made use of the easels and were given free reign of what to paint and the younger children experienced painting together on giant pieces of paper.

One of the mums kindly brought in a large bag of apples which she had picked from her garden. These were put to good use in our cooking session where the children made apple turnovers by chopping apples and wrapping them in pastry.

In our circle time session the preschool children have been talking about their families. It has been lovely to hear their stories and comments and they proudly showed off their pictures which they brought in for show and tell. We were amused when a parent told us that her 2 year old had questioned the fact that Mr Federici gets to have his mummy at nursery.

Next week’s theme is feelings and the item for show and tell is something soft.